Bai Ichchha, wife of Raichandra Jaichandra Shvetambar Jain Dharmashala, Ratan Pole, Marichi Pole, Ahmedabad. Bai Jamna, daughter of Shah Balchandra Bechardas Jain
dharmashala, Ratan Pole, Golwad, Ahmedabad. Managed By : Sri Dharmanath Bhagwan Jain Mandir Sheth Hatheesinh Kesariasinh Trust Outside Delhi Gate,P. O. Ahmedabad - 380 004. Gujarat Telephone : 079-2180774 1 2120455
SRI MATAR TEERTH Presiding Deity and Location :
Sacha Dev Sri Sumatinath Bhagwan in white colour, seated in a lotus posture of height 76 Cms in a shrine on the main road in Matar village. (Shve.) Approach - Route :
The nearby railway station in Nadiad which is 16 Kms away. The nearby large town is Kheda town is 5 Kms away. At these places, buses and taxis are available. There is a tar road upto the temple. Ahmedabad is 45 Kms away and Baroda is 64 Kms away from this shrine. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
There is a dharmashala nearby for lodging with all facilities and a bhojanshala for meals. There is an Upashraya near this temple. Managed By : Sri Sacha Dev Karkhana Pedhi
P. O. Matar - 387 530. Dist : Kheda, Gujarat State. Jain Education International 2000 POB/ate 184ersonal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org