Ahmedabad is around 60 Kms away. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
For lodging there is large dharmashala with all facilities and a bhojanalaya for meals are available. Managed By :
Sri Mallinath Maharaj Karkhana Trust
P. O. Bhoyani - 382 145. Dist: Ahmedabad, Gujarat State Telephone: 079-3250204, 6745296 (P.P.)
Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Mahavir Bhagwan, in white colour, seated in a lotus posture, of height 91.4 Cms in a shrine located in a jungle near the village of Pansar. (Shve.)
Approach - Route:
Nearby the shrine, the railway station of Pansar is located on Ahmedabad-Mehsana route. Beyond Kalol from Dhamasana, on Ahmedabad-Mehsana road the shrine is 1.5 Kms away. Buses and cars can go upto the temple. Mehsana is 40 Kms, Sherisa 14 Kms, Mahudi is 55 Kms and Ahmedabad is 40 Kms away. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
For lodging there is a large dharmashala with all facilities and a bhojanalaya for meals.
Managed By :
Sri Pansar Mahavir Swamiji Jain Derasar Trust
P. O. Pansar - 382 740. Dist: Gandhi Nagar,
Gujarat State. Telephone : 02764-88240
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