Approach - Route :
The nearest railway station Mehsana is about 35 Kms away with the facility of bus and taxis. From here, Veesnagar is 13 Kms away, Mohudi is 35 Kms and Taranga is 35 Kms away. This shrine is located on Kheralu-Taranga road. Bus stand is approximately 1 Km away from the temple with bus and cars going till there. Autos and taxis are available in the village. The nearest airport is Ahmedabad which is 100 Kms away. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
Facility of dharamshala along with bhojanshala is available. Managed By : Sri Adinath Bhagwan Jain Shvetambar Temple Sri Vadnagar Shvetambar Murtipujak Jain Sangh Mahavir Marg, Near Jain Derasar Post : Vadnagar -384 355. Dist : Mehsana (Gujarat State) Telephone: 02761-22337, 02761-22101 (P.P.)
SRI RATNAVALI TEERTH Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Neminath Bhagwan seated in a lotus posture in black colour of height 59 cms in a shrine located in the Jain colony in Rantej village. Approach - Route :
The nearby railway station is just 1 Km away from the Rantej temple. Modhra is 20 Kms away from here, Bhoyani 25 Kms away, Mehsana 30 kms away, Sankeshwar 40 Kms away and Gambhu 28 Kms away. All facilities are available at these
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