directions, in white colour and of length about 15 Cms.in a shrine near Barakar village on the banks of Barakar river (Shve.). Approach - Route :
The nearest railway station is Giridih that is 12 Kms away from here, on Giridih-Madhuban road. On Giridih-MadhubanSametshikar road and from Giridih buses and taxis are available. From Madhuban, the place is 18 Kms away. Buses and cars can ply right upto the temple. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
For lodging only, a dharmashala is available where amenities such as water, electricity etc. are provided. Managed By : Sri Jain Shvetambar Society, Barakar P. O. Bandarkupi - 825 108. Dist : Giridih, Bihar State
SRI SAMETSHIKAR TEERTH Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Shamalia Parshvanath Bhagwan seated in a lotus posture, in black colour and of height about 90 Cms (LakeTemple) in a shrine near Madhuban on Mount Sametshikar 4479 feet above sea level. This place is also called Mount Parshvanath (Shve.). Approach - Route :
Nearest railway station to Madhuban are Giridih which is about 25 Kms and Parshvanath station which is about 15 Kms from where buses and taxis to Madhuban are available. Buses, Cars and taxis can ply right upto the Dharmashala in Madhuban. Jain Education International 2000 Porrate 13 Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org