the distance is 242 Kms from where Jalore railway station is another 342 Kms away where autos and taxis are available. To ascent the hills, chair carriers are available for aged pilgrims. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
For lodging, there are three dharmashalas, one on the hills and the other in Jalore near bus stand Kanchangiri Vihar dharamshala and another near Nandishvar Dvip temple with all facilities and a bhojanshala and Ayambilshala are also available. Managed By : Sri Swarnagiri Jain Shvetamber Tirth, (Jalore Durg) Office : Kanchangiri Vihar Dharmashala P.O. Jalore - 343 001. Dist : Jalore, Rajasthan State Telephone: 02973-32316 (Durg Hills Office)
02973-32386 (Kanchangiri Vihar Off.) SRI BHINMAL TEERTH Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Parshvanath Bhagwan, in golden colour, seated in a lotus posture (the idol cast in five metals) in a shrine in a street named Shethwada in the middle of the city Bhinmal. (Shve.) Approach - Route :
The nearby railway station and bus stand of Bhinmal is 1 Km away from the temple. There is a direct bus service for Bhinmal from Jalore-Shirohi and Jodhpur etc. There is a tar road upto the temple. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
For lodging there are two dharmashalas with all facilities, one near Sri Mahaveer Temple and another at Keerti Sthambh Jain Education International 2000 Polate125ersonal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org