this place is just 2 Km away. In the village too, autos are available. The nearest airport is that of Udaipur & Ahemdabad, 200 Kms away from here
Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
For lodging there is a well-equipped dharamshala. But at present there is no facility of a bhojanshala. From here, at a distance of 3 Kms is newly constructed Sri Bherav Tarakdhan & at 18 Kms is Pavapuri shrine, where facilities of both dharamshala & bhojanshala is available.
Managed By :
Sri Adishvar Jain Shvetamber Pedhi
P.O: Anandhara 307 511. Dist : Sirohi, Rajasthan State Telephone: 02975-44232, 02975-44209 (P.P.)
Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Mahaveer Bhagwan seated in a lotus posture in a shrine located in the village of Dhavali.
Approach Route:
The nearby railway station of Abu Road is 25 Kms from here, where mode of transport is easily available. Cars and buses can go upto the temple. The airport of Ahmedabad and Udaipur is 200 Kms away from here. The bus stand of Dholpura is 4 Kms away.
Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
At present there is a dharamshala for lodging with all facilities, very close to the temple, but there is no bhojanshala
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