Approach - Route :
The nearby railway station of Nana is 3 Kms away where autos and taxis are available. Autos, taxis are available from the nearby village of Chamunderi. Cars and buses can go upto the temple. Sirohi is at a distance of 45 Kms from here. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
There is a dharmashala near the temple but no facilities of any kind are available. It is advisable to stay at Nana and then come here for a visit. Managed By : Sri Adinath Jain Pedhi, Velar P.O. Chamunderi - 306 504. Dist : Pali, Rajasthan State Telephone : 02933-45153 (P.P.)
Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Dharmanath Bhagwan in white colour, seated in a lotus posture, of height 60 Cms, located in a shrine in Ravala Vas of Khudala village. (Shve.) Approach - Route :
The nearby railway station of Falna is 3 Kms away where taxis and autos are available. The public bus stand is 1 km away. Cars and buses can go right upto the temple. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
For lodging there is a dharmashala nearby with all facilities and bhojanshala for meals is also available.
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