* Similarly if any family wishes to have names of more than one individual in the family acknowledged, then they will have to take up a separate "Takti" for each individual whose name has to be acknowledged. All such Taktis will be placed in a manner which will ensure that all the Taktis for a particular family are grouped together. *Each "Takti" cost £108.00.
Scheme No. 4 - UCCHAVNIS * On Sunday 28th March 2004, Ucchavni for the laying of the first carved stone "Kanpith" was carried out and the highest bidder for the opportnuity to carry out this ceremony was the family of Shree Kantilal Jesang Popat Haria.
The family members of Shree Kantilal Jesang Popat Haria performed the auspicious symbolic ceremony of laying the first carved stone of the Kanpith of the Deraser.
* Ucchavnis for various specific items and ceremonies were carried out at various stages during the phase of the project.
There were TWELVE more ucchavnis carried out on 15th August 2004 as listed below:
1. KUMBHI STHAPNA - This is for the establishment of the "Kumbhi (Pedestal)" of the FIRST COLUMN of the Grabh Griha. The highest bid for this was made by the family of Shrimati Maniben Manilal and Shree Manilal Narshi Haria
2. STHAMBH ROPAN - This is for the placing of the "Stambh (Pillar)" onto the"Kumbhi (pedsestal)" of the FIRST COLUMN of the Grabh Griha. The highest bid for this was made by the members of the Bhakti Mandal.
The ceremony for the Kumbhi Sthapan was carried out on Sunday 29th August 2004
BARSAKH This is for the establishment of the "Barsakh (Door Frame)" of the Entrance to the Grabh Griha. The highest bid for this was made by the family of Shree Khetshi Lakhamshi Maroo.