In March 2004, the Fund Raising Sub-Committee and the Deraser Project Sub-Committee jointly launched the Fund Raising Schemes. Every Jain has an ambition to participate at least once in their lifetime, in the construction of a Jain Temple. The construction of the Deraser at Oshwal Centre provides every Oshwal and Jain in the U.K. and overseas to fulfill this ambition by participating actively in the fund raising schemes that being proposed by the Association. In order to give everyone an opportunity to contribute towards the construction of the Deraser, the Fund Raising Sub-Committee worked in closed partnership with the Deraser Project Sub-Committee to produce a range of novel schemes, which when implemented and administered properly, should realise sufficient funds to take the project to a smooth and successful completion. These were the five different schemes that were approved by the Executive Committee:
Scheme No. 1: TOKENS The Fund Raising Sub-Committee and the Deraser Project Sub-Committee have identified 108 different items listed below) for which inauguration ceremonies can be performed by the members and devotees.
LIST OF ITEMS FOR "TOKEN SCHEME" * 54 OTLAS - The planting of the trees is expected to take place in autumn of 2005 and the "Otlas" will be built soon after. The inauguration of the "Otlas" will take place in April 2006. * The inauguration of the following items will take place on Saturday 20th August 2005 during the Pratishtha Mahotsav. * 9 FOUNTAINS/EDIFICES * 8 PILLARS - These are in the TWO MAIN CHOWKIS (one on either side of the Rang Mandap). * 2 DOORS TO THE MAIN CHOWKIS * 2 SIDE DOORS (LEFT & RIGHT) AT THE DERASER ENTRANCE * 2 CHOWKIS AT THE DERASER ENTRANCE. * 1 SMALL DOME * 1 DHAJA STHAMBH (FLAG POLE) * 1 KALASH KUMBHSTHAPAN ON THE SHIKHAR * 1 KALASH KUMBHSTHAPAN ON THE GHUMAT (DOME) * 1 KALASH KUMBHSTHAPAN ON THE SMALL DOME AT THE ENTRANCE. * 2 ELEPHANT STATUES * 2 LION STATUES * 21 BENCHES - These will be sited within the Deraser Complex Gardens. DWAR OPENING * "DWAR OPENING" - The OPENING of the Main Entrance Door to the Deraser (The INAUGURATION CEREMONY) will be done on Sunday 28th August 2005. * Normally Ucchavnis are held for the "DWAR OPENING" Ceremony and devotees would bid thousands or even hundreds of thousands of pounds to have the honour of performing this auspicious ceremony. * INSTEAD OF THIS THE PRIVILEGE OF PERFORMING THE "DWAR OPENING"