Right faith Samyak Darshan
The conduct or the lifestyle of an individual is really governed by the set of beliefs and the worldview of that individual. These beliefs, in turn, are shaped by the factors such as the culture, the religion, the upbringing, and the surroundings, in sages and the political, social, religious, leaders- strongly influence these factors from time to time. They can thus help build a culture of peace and understand, or can even turn their followers into suicidal terrorists. Their messages, ideas and concepts, as interpreted by those who bring them to the masses, become the cultural, political, and religious foundations of a people. What is the foundation of Jain thought and conduct? An important message to Jains from their Tirthankaras is that the path to liberation is a three-fold path requiring rational conduct, rational belief, and rational knowledge. This is interesting because the message does not emphasize just the right conduct and belief, but stresses that the conduct and belief must be backed by knowledge to make the path to liberation truly rational.
Devotion and faith are no doubt important ingredients of religious conduct. If there is no faith or belief in the goal, and in the efficacy of the path to be followed, progress along the spiritual path is difficult. However, as noted earlier, mere blind faith may produce only dogmatism and orthodoxy. Real progress on a spiritual path needs rational faith. A path as rigorous and difficult as the one prescribed by the Tirthanakaras will not even be tried, unless there is a rational understanding of the goal and of the means to achieve it. Thus rational understanding or true knowledge of the Jain view of Reality became a cornerstone of Jainism.
Congratulations and Best Wishes on the Opening of the Jain Derasar
From : Gulabchand Mulchand Shah & family