President's Message
Jai Jinendra
Ashwin Dharamshi Shah
On behalf of all my colleagues on the Executive Committee and Area Committees, I welcome you all to this Pratishta Mahotsav to mark the completion of the first Shikarbandhi Jain Derasar in Europe.
The Pratishta Mahotsav celebrates the installation of the divine Pratimajis of the Tirthankars in the Garbh Gruh of the new Jinalay and completes the consecration of the Derasar. It is an event of joy and happiness during which we remember the lives of the Tirthankars and perform various Pujans in dedication.
In 1980, under the presidency of Late Shree Zaverchand Lakhamshi Haria, the Oshwal Association purchased our land in Northaw with a vision to create a Derasar and a Community Centre. Since then, many of us have shared and added to this vision. I am greatly privileged and honoured that I was given the opportunity as President to work with my dedicated Executive Committee to make this "Dream Come True". This is a truly magnificent achievement that will benefit all Jains, particularly those in the UK. In the world that we live in today, it is important to encourage our children to learn about our faith, culture and principles, so that the Jain way of life is passed down from generation to generation. The Derasar will create a stepping stone that will enable Jain Dharma to become an integral part of the lives of young people. Once the landscape gardens have been set, we will bear witness to one of the most beautiful and inspiring architectural designs in the UK. We should take strength from knowing that this Derasar was constructed in under two years and within the time allocated - when we pull together as a community, anything is possible. Let us take the experiences and lessons learned from this project into new endeavours for the Association, with confidence.
On behalf of the Executive Committee I would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all the respected donors and devotees who have made it possible to finally achieve our dream. I thank them from the bottom of my heart and I pray to our Lord Mahavir and all the 24 Tirthankars to grant peace and prosperity in their lives.
To undertake a project of this magnitude and nature requires commitment, dedication, and a great deal of hard work. I am proud to say that all those involved in this project, the Derasar Project Sub-Committee, the Religious Sub-Committee, the Executive Committee and Area Committees, together with the ever-ready team of volunteers, have excelled themselves in the service of the Association. In particular I thank Shree Dhirubhai Devraj Karania and Shree Kaushikbhai Narshi Shah, who as my vice-presidents over the last two terms, have worked tirelessly towards the completion of the Project.
I must also take this opportunity to thank our lead consultant Shree Maheshbhai Doshi who provided services to the Association on a voluntary basis. My gratitude also extends to the team of professionals, Shree Rajeshbhai Sompara, Lodge & Sons - the local contractors, the volunteers for all the ceremonies, the administrative staff at Oshwal Centre, and the sculptors and construction workers for all their efforts. Finally, I would like to extend my congratulations to Saileshbhai & all the volunteers who have contributed to make this Derasar Souvenir a masterpiece of history for all Jains in the UK and in Europe, and to all the advertisers who have made it possible for us to produce this very special Souvenir Issue.
Jai Oshwal, Jai Mahavir
Ashwin Dharamshi Shah President