90/Meditation and Enlightenment: Chandr Prabh
and duties, but the dynamic approval of spiritualism is for doing a work with concentration and vigilance. Inactivity never became the identity of spiritualism. Non-lethargy is the gate-way of spiritualism. To work heart and soul, by discarding lethargy is a great industry of this field of work.
'Udyog' (industry) means 'ud'+'yog', that is, high-level performance. Labour is the foundation of industry and labouring is a high 'yoga'. If labour is proper, how can industry be a vice? It is rather a necessary facet of the 'sadhana' of life. To eat the bread earned by one's sweat is not sweating out of one's manliness, but it is to keep the body away from getting rusted by making it sweat by using it.
The easy way to attain salvation is to work with one's own hands with complete concentration. It is more creditable to do any work yourself instead of making others do it. To remain in senses while eating-drinking, rising-sitting, sleeping-waking is to make yourself firmly occupy the seat of a householder-saint. This is the practicality of meditation-yoga.
Day is the word, night is keeping eyes shut towards it. Extend you activity during the day, so that the activities of life may not come to stand-still; and, while the evening approaches, then just as the sun gathers back its rays, this is the expansion and limitation of the mind. Even if you have slept dream-free at night, it is but the concentration of mind. The work of mind is to provide dream-free/vice-free mind. If meditation is attained without being seated in any yogic posture, then it is the very revolution of life. When meditation becomes an inseparable part of life, above practice and principle, then only it becomes a medium of the supreme soul's dwelling in the internal mind. Clean meditation is the process of seeing one's own self, in one's own self through one's own self. Meeting one's own self is 'atma yoga'. Meditation is an internal sojourn. It makes one know of the inside. It tells of every active sense of mind. Wandering of mind during meditation is not a slip, but a reflection of the thoughts suppressed and accumulated in the inner consciousness. If meditation is superficial, then it would project only the superficial thoughts.
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