Meditation : Nature and Application/83
Man is intellectual. He should be active on experiments. Experiment is the creative step of science, and meditation is the founder of the path of experiment. Meditation is related to experience, and experience is the synonym of experiment. Experiment and experience are but the same. Experience is the experiment of the internal laboratory, and experiment is the experience of the external laboratory. Meditation is the internal experiment in the world of experience.
Everybody should meditate. Due to meditation not only the mental suffocation moves away, it also makes you acquire a new dynamism and a new energy. Energy is man's power of consciousness. Meditation is the accomplishment of that energy.
Meditation is just not an internal sojourn, it is also an effective campaign for cleanliness of the soul and for discarding pollution, A man's interest towards virtues increases. Evils leave him without any effort. When the consciousness of mind would address, would turn towards itself, then the inclination towards evil would automatically come to an end. When a person is completely silent from within, then not only high ambition rather any mere ambition would not croak like a frog.
Meditation is the building up of the establishment of internal discipline. The consciousness of man wanders throughout the world; to make it seated on the throne of the Centre is the internal discipline. Evils such as injustice, anarchy, violence cannot be uprooted without self-discipline. Meditation commences to give it, at the very preliminary steps, an internal discipline. If selfcentralization is completed then that is really the gala festival of the conscious world.
In the beginning a person has to meditate, but later on he happens to be inside meditation. Doing is an effort; but being is spontaneous; ease. One has to do something to become something. In the beginning one has to learn driving a car with effort, but on driving continuously the car can be driven with ease. Attainment of meditation is also an effort of this kind. The more you would be attached to it, the more deeper would become its density, Then
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