78/Meditation and Enlightenment: Chandr Prabh
man. He has become so much accustomed to wearing coloured masks, that he does not even remember to wash the dirt that is covered under the layers of powder and lipstick. Masks have become a part and parcel of his life. He does not know where his original face is lying camouflaged. We have to find out that face which existed before the birth, that face which would remain intact even after death. If we find out that face in life, then it would be hailed as a novel initiative of immortality in the history of mortality.
Death, whenever it arrives, is to be received with a smiling heart. Death is our birth-right. But what a wonder is this! The life that is being brought up in the lap of mortality, is unable to gather the awareness of even mortality. The first initiative of 'Buddhatva' (the state of becoming a Buddha) begins with the awareness of transience. Man may, of course, fear death, but so long as there is life, it is our responsibility to arrange and preserve its dynamism.
Man is struggling, sensitive too, but peace is his first and the ultimate aim. His life-long worship is for the notes of the flute of peace. Manliness of body, completion of building, nutritiousness of food and sufficiency of wealth are desirable, but values of commitment to life are also in addition to all these.
People collect wealth, build houses, maintain families, understand the instability of the mind, but there is also some base/doer/ witness of this entire environment. Every person is the carrier of that energy. All the possibilities of life are linked to that in the form of seed.
How much has the banyan tree fruitioned and flowered? It has blood-relation with many many branches, it has also extended much its cool and kinship. It has a fully developed family. But do you know all this is the consequence of extension of the seed. The banyan is laden with leaves/fruits. Every fruit is the consequence of a single seed, but there are hundreds of seeds in a single fruit. The seed of the banyan is still in the form of seed.
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