Stages of Trance: Solitude, Silence und Meditation/71
that your wife would be found pleased as before. You cannot forecast regarding your wife what and how would be the next minute? Since this is not possible then why the attachment, and why the infatuation? Leave alone others, a man cannot claim about himself what the next two minutes have in store for him. Two persons were intimate friends, but certain matter made them mutually blood-thirsty. A man has not been able to trust himself. How can he forecast any thing about others? What are you so proud of? Nothing is stable here. Every thing is transient. Wife, who is pleased now, can become angry the next moment. Here success and failure come our way every moment in life. Don't be proud on being successful and don't bring tension in your mind on becoming a failure. The highest 'Samadhi' of a person is not to be carried away by either success or failure when both these come in life.
You might have seen the trapeze-artiste performing on the rope. With a bamboo in hand, he goes on walking on the rope, striking a balance on both the sides. If the balance of any side, the right side or the left side, is lost, he will instantly fall on the earth. To maintain the balance of both the sides is the real 'Samadhi'. Happiness-misery, attachment-detachment, foe-friend balancing is necessary whatever be the situation. The bird is flying. It would be able to fly if both wings are intact. It would drop down if even a single wing breaks down. The formula of 'Samadhi' is to spend every moment of life with such a balance that one becomes immune to when any calamity comes or when moments of happiness prevail. Let me narrate an incident. In my own life a revolutionary change has come due to this incident. It struck to the mind of an emperor to know about all the religions in the world. He was an emperor after all. How could he get time to pursue the scriptures of all the religions. The emperor summoned the pundits, the maulavis, and the chiefs of other religions and asked them to write down the essence of their respective religion in a single line, so that he could know about those religions. The pundits and the learned men of every religion handed to the emperor, the essence of their religions, but nothing convinced the emperor's mind.
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