38/ Meditation and Enlightenment : Chandr Prabh
[Come, let's sit under the tree to read the epic of life, of the rise and fall of life. Let us open our mouth when the entire world is keeping their eyes closed. They had become the offerings of the temple, they had ascended on the lap of the goddess. Come, let us forget that, and water the lifeless roots. The heart is so full of emotions that words have no place there. Tears cannot reach them. Come, let us draw meaningful lines on the sultry earth devoid of grass. Come, let us sit under the tree).
Sitting under the tree means reading the history of life with a peaceful mind. To think, if you have already read it and to attain 'Sambodhi' (knowledge of the truth/reality), if it has already been thought about. You should know the experience oriented indispensability of all these processes in order to ascend the summit of trance.
The 'Sadhaka' (seeker) sits at the summit. A peaceful mind is but the other name of his trance. The eyes of 'prajna' (consciousness) should not remain asleep. “Kaivalya-darshan' (view of the only-ness) comes nearer only when conscience has its eyes wide awake.
There ought to be less eagernesses for the external. Indifference should be explicit in his conduct. If indifference is visible on the detached face, then the sweetness of the internal can be tested. In order to make the 'Dhruva' (super-seeker) form of one's own self, this is desirable.
The meaning of indifference is non-involved. If you adopt the finesses of indifference, it would be easy to knock at the door of ‘Sadhana'. Indifference does not come from leaving, it comes from being released. Leaving is related to outside and being released is related to inside. 'Leaving' and 'being released are not the same. But yes, if one gets released, he would not be required to beat his head to leave. Indifference is but the synonym of 'being released'. Just by uttering "I am free from body-sense", the body consciousness will not leave you. You will automatically become free from body-sense if the body-consciousness leaves you. The deeper the meditation, the livelier will be indifference.
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