Let's go beyond the mind
The spirit is beyond the echoes of body, speech and mind. The perseverance of body and speech is straight and clear. It is the mind which is a pot without a bottom. The mind's habit is to go on hoofing the earth it stands upon like a horse. There is no term of exchange between the spirit and the mind. Spiritualism is liberation from the alternative whereas the mind is attachment to alternative. As such, how can there be any deal between the mind and the spirit ? All the dynamism and liveliness of life is connected with the realisation of reality. What has the mind got to do with realism ? When the reality of his own personality is at stake, how can he accurately evaluate the equation of gold ?
The mind is fond of travelling. It is the mind which talks of seeking God, and it inspires to taste the wordly pleasures too. Its work is to move the person away from body and thought, and never allow him to settle down on an arm-chair. It is the nature of the vagabond mind to go on flying like a bee round the clock. It never travels to the burial ground/cremation ghat; all its journey is confined to the liveliness of the earthen body.
The mind is but a sieve. The person, who is called 'Buddha' or the wise is a mere fool in front of mind. Man continues to waste the water of his whole life through the sieve of heart aimlessly. Optimism is certainly the basis of living, but where will the grave- . yard of those hopes would be dug for which man journeyed to the graveyard instead of life?
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