10/Meditation and Enlightenment: Chandr Prabh
People think 'Hari' means God. No! 'Hari' does not mean God; God is but an imposed meaning. The Jainis worship 'Arihant' (Killer of the enemy). They think he is God. Factually, its meanings are very peculiar. Hari means one who removes. The work of a robber is to rob. Hari's work is to remove. He who performs 'haran' (removes) is Hari. He who removes the weaknesses and defects of human beings, is Hari. 'Arihant' means a killer. Who is to be killed? Will he pound the clothes? The victor of enemies one does not know, is proceeding to vanguish which Hitler? Which Nepolean is to be defeated? These are the meanings. Only on going to the bottom of these, the reality is identified. These meanings are lying hidden underneath. Only on plunging in the depth, they can be identified. These meanings are to be found out.
Conqueror of the self is the real 'Arihant'. Only he, who removes our defects, is our Hari. As such, when you go to Hari, nothing will happen on just chanting 'Hari Hari'. 'Jap' occurs only on being something, and then 'Hari' is achieved. The existence of Hari is felt only where a person happens to be something.
The person chanting 'Hari Hari' is just seeking outside. When we are something, then Hari speaks from within us. The selfrealisation that takes place at that time, is the journey of the speechless. It is there that Hari is realised. The sound of 'para' (the knowledge of the supreme self) echoes there. We get a glimpse of Hari there. We are face to face with the supreme self. The person who tries to seek only outside, should go out but prior to that he should check inside himself. Just search within yourself wherever you are seated. But he, whom you are searching, is never lost. He has been rather found out. You need not earn, that is with you. Put your hand inside the pocket, and take it out; your wealth is in your own pocket. If you put your hand inside, it is yours, and if you don't do so, you remain a beggar even though the money yours. You look for it near me, and I search it near you. This is what man is doing. He is searching the thing that is with him, somewhere else, and the name of this very thing is mirage.
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