8/Meditation and Enlightenment : Chandr Prabh
this. Fight with him. I have lions, no donkeys. Come fight the lions. I teach you to fight the lions. Do not think that you have no strength. You do have strength. The only difference is that you have not recognised that strength. The strength lies hidden in your inner-conscience. The need is to seek and recognise it.
An old woman used to say, that she had become weak, and she had no strength. She always walked with the help of a wooden stick One night wbile she was sleeping on her bed, all of a sudden a snake appeared there.
On seeing the reptile, one does not know whence she got all the strength to jump down the bed, and began to run fast shouting 'A snake, a snake'! The same old woman who could not walk without a stick, regained her strength on noticing the snake.
Light will be created where man would concentrate all his energy. New life will be welcome. Meditation means concentrating energy. Therefore, do concentrate all your energy here. Thereafter, make correct use of this energy. You must extend yourself outwards, upto eternity, but first of all know your inside. So long as the inside is not known, 'Ram' (God) can not be identified at all. You wish to recognise Ram, God ? First of all, know your own self. But this is not happening.
Man is riding a donkey, and is running too. Someone asked him on the way, 'Where are you going, brother'? He said, 'I am going in search of my donkey.' The stranger laughed, and said, Gentleman, you are actually seated upon the donkey. Didn't this strike your mind ? You are running in search of something upon which you are seated. That thing is with you, you need not go anywhere to search it.'
One day some gentleman, interested in meditation and devotion came to me and said, 'I am in search of God.' I felt like laughing on hearing him— 'You are searching God. When was He lost, that you are searching'? If anything is lost, then it can be searched too. What to search when nothing has been lost ? You need not look for Him. He is sitting near you, and is
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