those kings and emperors were great warriors and were destroyers of robbers and thieves. So, they had no fear even if they lived in such places. Yet, the enemy Kings attacked such places sometimes.
If you want to live without fear and anxiety, you should not reside in such lonely places. But you should not also live in a congested area where houses are very close to one another. You should not live in crowded areas. There are very narrow lanes into which the fire-brigade vans cannot come, in case of necessity. If one house catches fire, the entire line of houses may burn down; and fire-brigade vans cannot be brought to such places.
Moreover, if the houses are built very close to one another, they will not look beautiful and attractive. Your neighbours can hear what you are saying in your house. You can hear their conversations. On account of hearing one another's confidential conversations, sometimes, the relationship among families can become strained; and quarrels may ensue. Neighbours may quarrel among themselves or they may condemn and calumniate one another. Such an atmosphere prevails among people who live in small houses located close to each other in narrow and congested areas in large cities like Bombay.
From what point of view do you like to choose a site for building a house? If you choose a place for your residence purely from the point of view of comforts and conveniences or from the economic point of view, many problems would arise in your family life. What kind of people are your neighbours ? Even this is a matter of great importance. If your neighbours are noble and if they possess a good character, then there is no worry, but if your neighbours are ignoble and if they do not possess good character and conduct, many unhappy events can occur.
One from the Audience : We do not think of any such thing. We think of the availability of comforts and conveniences;
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