your cries when you cry for help, at times of danger. Now-adays, in large towns and cities some co-operative societies etc. build bungalows outside the city or the town. In such colonies, they build only one bungalow in a compound. Each bungalow is a separate residence. They are located far apart from one another. If some robbers break into a bungalow and try to commit a robbery or a murder or if they try to assault a woman; and even if the inmates cry for help, those who live in the other bungalows in the colony will not be able to hear their cries. Others in the area will not be able to know what is happening in a particular bungalow.
Now-a-days, houses and flats have air-proof and soundproof doors. Even air cannot enter those houses and fiats. When that is so how can sound come out ? Yes. Flats are close to one another. Yet, if the doors of one flat are closed, however loudly the inmates may shout, their cries will not be heard by the people in the other flats... The flats have air-tight doors and shutters.
One from the Congregation : Now-a-days, wealthy people deem it a fashion to live in large bungalows or flats in cities. They do not like to live in villages and small towns.
Maharajashri : That is why many tragic events occur in those places. In such lonely bungalows or large flats, murders, assaults, rapes and other immoral incidents take place. Thieves and robbers find it easy to carry out their operations in such bungalows and flats. The loneliness of such houses is very congenial for their activities. WHOM SHOULD YOU TRUST ?
Some years ago, a tragic event of that kind occurred in Bombay. There are many large and palatial buildings on the sea-beach, in Walkeshwar. In those buildings mostly rich people live. Each storey constitutes a flat in those buildings. A certain family lived in one such flat. The family comprised only two : the husband and the wife. The husband generally left for his
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