other women, lechery, hunting etc. He should not be a thief or a liar; and he should not be avaricious. He should not use violence against other jivas. That means he should not kill others and cause violence to them. He should not utter lies; he should not be notorious as a thief; and he should not be very avaricious. You must search for such a noble man and develop intimacy with him...
Courtesy and humaneness are lofty virtues. Those who are really noble and great possess these virtues. Those who do not possess these virtues can never be great and noble.
This event took place in the life of the great poet, Niralaji. Niralaji was himself poor. He could not bear to see people in distress, poverty and misery. His genuine humanity impelled him to remove the sorrows of others. It was the month of May. The sun was blazing hot. It was noon. Niralaji happened to be standing at the threshold of his house. He noticed a decrepi: old man walking slowly on the road. His body seemed to be a mere skeleton. He was carrying a bundle of firewood on his head. Niralaji ran to him; he whispered something into his ears; and taking his bundle of fire-wood, he brought the old man to his house. He asked the old man to be seated there; placed the bundle of fire-wood near him; and went into the house.
Some days before, some friends of Niralaji had brought him some clothes and a pair of shoes. Niralaji brought those clothes and shoes; and said to the old man, "Baba! Please wear these things".
The old man sat still and silent. He kept looking at Niralaji. He did not know what to say. At last, he said "Brother! I do not know who you are and Niralaji interrupted him and said, "Baba! I know you very well. You are one of my millions of brethren." Then, he sat near the old man; and helped him to wear the shoes."
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