necessity, one may have to take the opinions of others. One may have to spcak to others about one's problems and difficulties.
The world keeps an eye on your movements. Noble men also keep an eye on your movements. They see where you go and whose houses you visit. They observe your movements to see with whom you mix and with what kind of people you move about. The world measures your individuality on the basis of your movements and association. If you keep visiting the house of a drunkard and if you remain in his company conversing with him for long hours, then you fall in the estimate of the world i.e. in the eyes of noble men. Even if you do not drink liquors, if you are always seen in the company of a drunkard, that will cause a stain on your character. The possibility is that the company of a drunkard may make you a drunkard, some day.
What kind of name and fame do you like to attain in the world ? Your world means your family, your society, your village or your town -- What kind of name and fame do you desire to have in them?
One from the Congregation : We would like to be famous as affluent people.
Maharajashri : You like to become affluent because you believe that only rich people are honoured in this world; and that the world does not condemn rich people even if they do some evil deeds. But this is not always so. Even the evil deeds of the rich come to light; and even the rich are disgraced and condemned in case the rich commit such evil actions. The time has changed now. Let alone rich people; even if the greatest leaders of the country commit offences and act ignobly, newspapers criticise them seriously.
You must remember the vital truth that the world loves not rich people but men of virtues. The love of the world is a great
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