has occurred to you? Kindly tell me”. Then, you must say : “The man who has enormous wealth must also be intelligent. Only an intelligent man can take care of his wealth. Of course, you are intelligent; yet I wish to test your intelligence. I will put two questions to you. If you can give correct answers to them, I will consider you an intelligent man. If you cannot give correct answers to them, that will show that you are not intelligent; and that you are not competent to take care of your wealth. And in that case your wealth will have to be surrendered to the treasury of our Kingdom”.
The King began to dance with delight on hearing the words of his Chief Minister. Then, the King said, “Please let me know what those questions are.” The Chief Minister said, “The first question is this : "What is it that always keeps increasing in this world ?” The second question is : "What is it that always keeps decreasing in this world ?” You must ask these two questions. The merchant will not be able to answer these two questions. These questions are so deep and hard. He will not be able to answer these questions; and his wealth will naturally reach your treasury. Do you see this ?”
The King began to visualize the wealth of the merchant as already stored in his treasury. This is the weakness of human nature. Human beings take delight in building castles in the air and in dreaming of a delightful future. The King concluded that the merchant would not be able to answer the questions; and that he would get possession of his wealth. The Chief Minister also thought that the King would get all the wealth of the merchant and that he would give him costly gifts which would make him affluent.
The next day, when the merchant appeared in the court, he King told him all that his Chief Minister had asked him to ell him; and also posed the two questions. The merchant, at once, realized the intention of the King. He said, “Your Highness! Kindly give me twenty four hours time to answer these
uestions. To-morrow, in your court, I will give answers to chose two questions". The King agreed to this; and dismissed the court, for the day. The happiness of the merchant also
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