comprising 35 principles becomes the way of life in this country, countless evils get discarded. Countless complicated problems. get automatically solved. NOT DEVELOPMENT BUT DETRIMENT ON ALL SIDES
This ideal cannot become a reality until there appears a deep relationship between the Dharma and the government. This extraordinary revolution cannot take place until human life becomes the centre of all our social and political policies.
“The progress of the nation", "The development of the nation”, “We should keep pace with the world", "Industrial development".... Poor fellows arc caught in such snares. While we are thinking of and carrying out the supposed task of national development, the condition of the individual has been deteriorating. While we are thinking of achieving national development, individuals are falling into the pit of ruin. While we are endeavouring to keep pace with the world our familylife has lost its felicity. While we are pursuing the mirage of industrial development millions of villages have been falling into a morass of distress. If this craze continues for five or ten years, a terrible ruin will surely result.
It does not matter. You necd not worry. It does not matter if you cannot achieve a revolution throughout the country. At least, cannot you achieve a revolution in your family ? You can observe these 35 principles in your families; can't you? Can't you give a place to these 35 principles in your familics?
In order to achieve a revolution or a transformation, man must possess strength and courage. While you are endeavouring to achieve a revolution, some impediments may crop up; and some distress may ensue. You will have to put up with those things; and you have to put them down. This will not be difficult if you have a firm determination and a strong purpose. Make a firm determination to bring about a transformation in your own life and in the life of your family. Make a plan to achieve that objective. In order to achieve this objective, take the
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