The eyes have to see. Their task also is to read. You must have sense and discretion to realize what is fit be read and what is not. Some newspapers and magazines which are unfit to be read also are published. The literature that is fit to be read also gets published to a considerable extent. But generally people read only such literature as should not be read. The literature that provokes violence and sexual instincts, has been growing and spreading because the tastes of people have been corrupted. Do not read such literature if you want to attain a victory over the inner enemies and if you want to control your senses. You should not allow such literature to get into your houses. If you want to attain a victory over your sense of seeing you observe the following principles. * Stop seeing movies, T.V. programmes and dramas. * Do not see events relating to quarrels and disputes. * Do not see the dress and decorations of others. * Men should not take delight in seeing the beauty of women;
and women should not take delight in seeing the handsome
appearance of men. * Do not read vulgar literature or baser kinds of literature. * Visit regularly the temple of the Paramatma; and have a
darshan of the Paramatma and worship him. * Study the chosen scriptural books.
If you can observe these principles strictly, you can attain a victory over the sense of seeing. If anyone abuses his eyes, even in this life he may become blind. In the next life, such a person will not have eves at all. That means he will be born blind. If you abuse your eyes, you may suffer from many opticai ailments.
The nose enables man to experience the delight of sweet smell and the disgust caused by foul smell. You must be careful not to become strongly interested in and attached to sweet :
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