these facilities to sadhus and sadhvis with heartfelt devotion, regard and kindness. They are kept free from the worries relating to food, clothing and shelter; so they can without any aberration become absorbed in the endeavour to attain spiritual elevation. They are always engaged in such sublime activities as meditation, contemplation and writing. Obtaining Bhiksha or food is permitted by the Shastras in the case of Sadhus and Sanyasis. Probably excepting the Jain tradition, in the other religious iraditions, the institution of Bhikshavrithi (obtaining food) has disappeared. Yet there are many who live on food obtained as Bhiksha.
You must render service to such athithis by giving them food, clothing and vessels. The opportunity of meeting such noble athithis is the result of some great merit (punya) in you. If you attain their heartfelt blessings, then, surely, your intellectual eyes would be opened. The spiritual pilgrimage of Shriman Bhagwan Mahavir Swami began thus with the service he rendered to a great athithi. He became a Mahavir later.... after countless years. He was Nayasar in that Janma in which he attained spiritual awakening. Nayasar was the head of a village. One day, Nayasar went to the forest with some labourers to fetch firewood. When the food was ready at noon, he thought, "If some athithi comes up now, I will give him food first and then I will eat what remains over". He began to search for a guest in the forest.
Probably, you do not search for a guest even in cities. At least, do you think of athithis before eating your food ? Yes. Those in whose hearts, there has arisen the love for the path of moksha and the aspiration to attain spiritual purification would certainly think of athithis before eating food. Those whose cultural tradition is to extend hospitality to guests would also think of athithis before eating food.
Nayasar had inherited this kind of cultural tradition which comprised the virtue of hospitality to guests. On account of his
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