Even in the Grihastadharma (the life of a householder) man has to exercise control over his senses, in certain matters; if he should carry out the endeavours necessary for the attainment of spiritual elevation. In order to attain a victory over the senses, man has to realize and visualize his inner enemies; and must drive them out of the land of his soul. Man has to attain victory over the inner enemies. Desire, anger, avarice, arrogance, pride and "Pleasure or delight” -- these are the six inner enemies. Already, I have spoken to you about the first five of these enemies of man. To-day, I have to explain to you the nature of the enemy called "pleasure or sinful delight". Yes. Pleasure or sinful delight also is a kind of enemy. Just as anger is an enemy, delight also is an enemy.
Yes! Even delight is an enemy.
Question ; We, of course, agree that anger is an enemy but how can pleasure or delight be an enemy? If that is so, what can we do?
Reply: Do not fear. First, understand when delight becomes an enemy. Delight is both a friend and an enemy. Delight is a friend in noble actions; and it is an enemy in ignoble actions. Electricity produces heat when it is connected to a heater; and it produces coolness if it is connected to a cooler. Delight also functions in the same manner.
If you experience delight for having helped someone, then it is a friend; but if you experience delight in committing a theft, then it is an enemy. If you experience delight for having safeguarded your chastity or purity, then it is a friend; but if you experience delight in committing immoral and ignoble actions, then it becomes your enemy. If you experience delight for having performed a spiritual austerity, then it is your friend; but if you experience delight in eating what is unfit to be eaten; and in drinking what is unfit to be drunk, then that delight is your enemy. If you experience delight for having saved someone from sorrow and misery, then it is a friend; but if you dance with delight for having thrown someone into the pit of sorrow and misery, then it is an enemy.
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