Aryarakshit placed his head on the lap of Bhadraguptacharyaji. The Acharyadev heartily rained his grace upon him. Sometime later, Bhadraguptacharyaji breathed his last.
What extraordinary scholars lived in those days! How enlightened they were ! Bhadraguptacharyaji realized the future of Aryarakshit by spiritual insight. We are very unfortunate because in these days, we do not have such mighty scholars and men of enlightenment. We do not find in anyone such profound knowledge of the Poorvas; such spiritual power; and such a power of vision. If the Acharyas of the Jin shasan possess such spiritual vision, such spiritual power and enlightenment, they can inspire larger numbers of Jivas to adore and pursue the path of Moksha.. They can also defeat the opponents. They can secure spiritual progress for all jivas.
There were many such highly influential acharyas in the tradition of Shraman Bhagwan Mahavirdev. Shri Vajraswami was one such great Acharya. He had mastered the ten Poorvas. He had two attainments namely, Akashgamini (flying through the sky) and Kshirasrav (a kind of super natural power). Moreover, ke possessed extraordinary merit (punya).
One day, Vajraswami had a dream. In his dream, he saw a guest coming to him; and drinking a cup containing milk but leaving a little in it”. Vajraswami thought: "A scholarly guest will come to me to-day. He will acquire from me all my knowledge; but something will remain unlearnt by him”.
As Vajraswami was thinking thus, Aryarakshit came into the Upashraya. He entered the Upashray saying, "Nisihi (a prescribed utterance for entering holy places), and approaching Vajraswami, he saluted him saying, "Maththaena Vandami" (Humbly I bow to you.) On seeing this extraordinary guest, Vajraswami stood up; and received him warmly. Both experienced extraordinary delight. After saluting Vajraswami, he sat at his feet; and made this humble request : "Acharya
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