Aryarakshit was not only a young man of great virtues but also an admirer of virtues. He was partial to virtues. When his mother praised the virtues of the Jain acharya, he was greatly pleased. He spent the whole night, in an auspicious contemplation. In the morning, soon after getting up, he saluted the feet of his mother; secured her blessings and set out to the sugarcane-garden to meet the acharya. On the way, he met a brahmin, who was a friend of his father. He was carrying in his hands nine and a half sugar canes. The brahmin saw Aryarakshit, embraced him cordially and said to him, "Dear child! You must return home at once". Aryarakshit said, "I am going in accordance with my mother's instructions. Soon after I complete my task, I will return home".
On the way, Aryarakshit was thinking:
अध्याया वा परिच्छेदा नव सार्द्धा मया ध्रुवम् । NET NFUET SŒrà a Afgaa ze: 11
I have seen an auspicious omen. I will be able to study only nine and a half chapters of the Drishtivad which my mother asked me to study and I will not be able to study more.
An omen gives an indication of a future possibility. An omen gives a hint regarding what is going to happen, in the future. An omen does not change the future; but it indicates the future possibility. You must have the knowledge to understand the implication of omens. There is a shastra (a branch of study) relating to omens. Omens are given importance even in respect of spiritual austerities and activities.
Aryarakshit went to the sugar-cane garden where the acharya, Thosaliputra was staying. He stopped at the door of the Upashraya. He thought: "I have to go to the Jain acharya. I do not know the Jain code of conduct and courtesy. I should not enter the Upashraya, without observing the Jain code of conduct and courtesy." He stood at the door. The Munis (mendicants) in the Upashraya were absorbed in spiritual studies. He could hear their voices, which pervaded the whole atmosphere. He was filled with the emotion of delight by the loud
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