sary to practise celibacy during the student-career. The young men were given the atmosphere congenial for practising celibacy. The standard of living and all the activities of life were such that they did not provoke the senses. The educational system was such that youngsters were taught arts and sciences along with the subjects that helped them to attain spiritual development. Therefore, even youngsters could practise selfrestraint naturally. They could discard and renounce their comforts and pleasures; and could live according to lofty ideals.
"Mother is God”. This was the fundamental principle (Mantra) of our ancient culture. There lived in this country such mothers and such children as gave a practical shape to that ideal. But whether on account of the influence of the Kaliyuga or on account of the unworthiness of the jivas, such great ideals are not prevalent in these days. How many mothers of the level of Rudrasoma can be found to-day? How many sons of the level of Aryarakshit can be found to-day? To-day parents are not respected and adored. Children follow the path of their choice wilfully. The system of education has been helping this wilfulness to grow. Culture has reached the precipice of destruction. Inspite of all this, we have a ray of hope! And that is the Shasan expounded by the Vitarag. Understand that Shasan; realize it in a comprehensive manner; and understand it from the multi-dimensional point of view (Anekantvad).
This is encugh for to-day.
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