the title Drishtivad whch is the twelfth Anga. Why? She did so because her son, Aryarakshit was a great scholar. She wanted to mention a profound grantha which would be suitable to a man of his attainments. Rudrasoma knew that the Jain Acharya would not teach "Drishtivad" to householders. Only intelligent Sadhus can study it. Aryarakshit could study the Drishtivad only if he became a sadhu, receiving initiation into the Shramandharma.
Now, have you understood why and to which place she was sending her son ? What was the mother's aspiration regarding her son ? "My son should become a mendicant. He must study the Drishtivad and become enlightened. He must attain a knowledge of the path of salvation. He must become a light to give the jivas of this world, the light of knowledge or enlightenment".
If Kudrasoma had desired that her son should attain physical pleasures and materialistic enjoyments, what would have happened? Of course, she was in the Samsar, but her mind was not in the Samsar. She had attained detachment. She was the wife of the court-priest; and she possessed wealth and glory; yet she had renounced sensual and physical pleasures. Yes. Renunciation is necessary. The mind should renounce all worldly pleasures.
From the Audience : We are householders. How can householders renounce the Samsar ?
Maharajashri: You must be non-attached even while living in Samsar. It is possible to keep the mind detached from worldly pleasures even while enjoying them. You do not have the fabulous wealth and grandeur that kings and emperors possessed in those days. There lived in the past great kings and emperors and merchants who were outwardly worldly and enjoyed all physical and materialistic pleasures but who were inwardly detached and disinterested. They had renounced the Samsar inwardly. One can lead such a life only if one has
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