but she was not to be seen. “My mother is not to be seen. Why? Why has she not come ? ” Many questions arose in his mind. From the Royal Court, he went home directly. His mother was not to be seen even at the door of his house. Aryarakshit called his mother: "Mother! .... Mother !"; ran into the house and went into his mother's chamber. His mother, Rudrasoma was performing the Samayik with deep concentration. He saluted the feet of his mother with overflowing emotions but she did not bless him because she was deeply absorbed in the performance of the Samayik. When a person is performing the Samayik he or she does not entertain any thoughts relating to the Samsar and mentally keeps aloof from the Samsar. Blessing cne's son is also an action relating to the Samsar. So, Rudrasoma did not bless her son. Aryarakshit felt disappointed. He thought :
धिग ममाधितशास्त्रौघं बह्वप्यवकरप्रभम् ।
येन मे जननी नैव परितोषमवापिता ॥ "Fie upon all the shastras I have mastered! My mother is not satisfied with them".
"Fie upon the shastras I have mastered. When my mother is not pleased with them what is the use of those shastras to me? I must please and delight my mother. I must give her joy and mental peace. I think my mother is not pleased with my having attained mastery over the Shastras at Pataliputra".
When Rudrasoma completed her Samayik, Aryarakshit asked her :
From the Audience : Rudrasoma did not bless her son. Was not Aryarakshit angry with her ?
Maharajashri : The mental aberration of getting angry with one's mother was not there in that family. Why should he get angry with his mother? A son who gets angry with his mother who is pure and virtuous, can never achieve eminence in any sphere. Let alone attaining eminence, he will be totally ruined. Now-a-days, I think sons and daughters get angry with their parents every now and then. Parents also get angry with their
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