Are you carrying out your duties towards your children as noble preceptors? I think you are giving a proper guidance to your children in respect of noble principles and traditions. May I assume that you observe noble principles and practices yourselves?
From the Audience: When we ourselves are full of vices how can we train and guide our children in the proper manner?
Maharajashri : In that case, your children will not adore you or respect you. You are not fit to be honoured by your children. Your children will not have any esteem or regard for you. They will not obey your words. You cannot prevent them from going on the wrong path; and you cannot guide them to follow the right path. What will be the consequence? Have you thought of this at any time? If you do not do your duties towards your children how can they do their duties towards you? It has been said that one ordinary principle that children have to observe is to adore their parents; but if parents do not possess the virtues that render them worthy of worship, how can their children adore them? Parents do not become worthy of worship by merely giving birth to children. They become worthy of worship if they possess lofty virtues and if they are beneficent.
In our Arya Samskriti (noble culture) it is said that the relationship between the worshipped and the worshipper is a noble and sacred one; and that principle is based on this view. The Paramatma Tirtankardev is worthy of worship and adoration because he is the abode of infinite virtues and because he has bestowed the highest benefaction on all jivas. The sadhus also are worthy of worship and adoration because their personalities are ennobled by some special virtues and because they spend their lives bestowing benefactions on all jivas. Parents should be virtuous; they should observe noble principles and practices; and they should bestow benefactions on the members
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