should attain honour in social and spiritual spheres but one should not be deeply attached to it; and one should not crave for it. Excessive craving for prestige and honour makes a man vain and conceited. In order to attain prestige and honour man takes recourse to corrupt methods; and he incurs heavy debts to maintain his status and prestige; and one day he commits suicide also.
In Bombay, there was a gentleman. He was in the government service. By chance, he got two or three lakh rupees. He had taken part in a speculation; fortune smiled upon him; and he became a lakhier. He was generous by nature. He gave away one lakh rupees in charity. On account of this, he attained great prestige and honour. Some rich people entrusted to him lakhs of rupees for safety. The gentleman continued to give away lakhs of rupees in charity. He began to lose heavily in his speculations. His creditors increased. One day, he realized that his prestige would be lost soon. So, he committed suicide. Therefore, one should not be excessively attached to prestige and honour. One attains prestige by doing good deeds; and one wins honour in society; but one should not become attached to that prestige. If one loses one's prestige and honour, one should not feel depressed and dejected. Even the attachment and craving for prestige should be renounced.
Just as Kama (Desire), Krodh (Anger). and Lobh (Avarice) are inner enemies, even pride is an inner enemy, Pride is an enemy in the guise of a friend. Ignorant people cannot scrutinize and realize it; and they are entangled in pride. It should not be thought that these inner enemies cause only spiritual harm. They also cause harm to one's materialistic, financial and physical welfare also. But as long as man does not scrutinize his inner self, he cannot realize the truth. Actually one experiences loss or harm on account of inner enemies; but one may think thus : "This anguish has resulted from the effect of the sins of my previous life (Purvajanma)"; or if one is a believer in divine dispensation, one may think : "This anguish is the result of God's will or divine dispensation". If one thinks
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