In order to free yourself from sinful thoughts and actions you must observe those principles. You must observe those principles if you want to achieve other-worldly prosperity and felicity. You must observe these principles if you want to adore and follow the path of Moksha. You should never ignore or slight those ordinary principles. You should not also put forth such specious arguments. "Times have changed. It is not possible to practise those principles now-a-days".
If you think that these principles cannot be practised, then they will not find a place in your life; and until those principles find a place in your life; you will not have fitness or competence to carry out spiritual austerities; and to follow the path of Moksha. How can you carry out spiritual austerities and endeavours until you attain worthiness and competence? If you perform some special austerities without competence and worth, you will not get any benefit from them; and they will not bear any fruit..
The fifteenth ordinary principles is this: "Do not associate with men of ignoble conduct and always associate with people who observe and practise noble principles and practices". This principle is of great use in the activities of your life. The enlightened people say that man acquires noble or ignoble qualities from the company he seeks and from the people he associates with. You acquire vices from the company of licentious people and you acquire merits and virtues from the company of the people who live according to noble principles. If you want to acquire vices, associate with ignoble people; and if you want to acquire merits and virtues, associate with those who live according to noble principles.
First, decide what kind of personality you desire to develop.
Jain Education International
From the Audience: We want to become wealthy. We are not concerned with virtues or vices.
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