Now-a-days, there are no Kings ruling over Kingdoms. During the time of Haribhadrasooriji there were Kings. Therefore, he prohibited the calumniation of Kings. In those days if people calumniated Kings, ministers, commanders and those in power surely the clouds of anguish would pour down heavily in their lives. Now-a-days, there are no Kings but there are men weilding political power. Central ministers and state ministers are like Kings; aren't they?
From the Audience: The members of Parliament and the state legislative assemblies are like kings; and ministers are like great and powerful kings.
Maharajashri: If you calumniate them; and if they come to know that you are calumniating them, will they be delighted and will they give you gifts?
From the Audience: If they want, they may also get us punished.
Maharajashri : You may go on calumniating some people thinking that they will not come to know of it but by doing so. you gather sinful karma and when that sinful karma brings about its effects what will happen to you? Have you thought of this at any time? You will be born in a family where you will always experience defeat in every endeavour and where you will be always treated with contempt. You will experience all this not only in this life but through countless lives. When that is so why do you calumniate others? You must make this strong determination. "I should not antagonize anyone. I should not increase my enemies or hostilities". Calumniation increases enemies. The increase of enemies increases fear in your mind. The increase in fear brings about mental and spiritual agitations and these impede your spiritual activities and austerities. Realising this truth, make a sincere determination not to antagonize anyone.
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