gandists who say, "Meat-eating increases physical strength and energy”. Do not make the stomachs of men the graves of dead animals.
Drinking alcoholic liquors is the second practice that the government has been supporting directly or indirectly. The government issues licences to those who wish to start an industry to brew wine and other liquors. This implies that the government itself virtually gets liquors manufactured. It also permits the importing of foreign liquors. Liquors are being served in the parties arranged by the government in honour of guests from other countries. BARGAINING WITH LIQOUR FOR A CHAIR (POSITION)
From the Audience: Even many ministers drink liquors.
Maharajashri : That is why they have lost their senses but you are the first offenders. You are the citizens of Bharath and you vote drinkers to power. You vote meat-eaters to power. The people in the country choose and elect the leaders; is that not so ? If you do not vote such peeople how can they become leaders? Do you have the habit of scrutinizing the character and conduct of the leaders whom you vote to power ? Not at all. You do not care to examine their conduct and character. If a leader delivers an inspiring speech and knows how to make money he gets votes. Actually the people are to blame for this. A certain candidate contesting elections said in one of his speeches, “If I win this election I will see that prohibition is scrapped and all will get permission to drink. Do not vote those people who advocate prohibition”.
Do you know that it is stated in the Constitution that the policy of prohibition should be implemented in our country? But who cares for it?
From the Audience : The state governments get a very large income if drinking is permitted; and so they do not enforce prohibition.
Maharajashri : You have spoken the truth. The government carries out the business that brings income and gets it
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