The institution of Kingship came into existence for the first time in the phase of time called Avasarpini (the phase of decline) during the time of Bhagwan Rishabhdev. Rishabhdev was the first King. He organised his administration and established noble ethical traditions of conduct and behaviour with a view to securing the materialistic and spiritual welfare of his people. The welfare of the people, their progress and their felicity constituted the aim of his administration. The highest aim was salvation. Since then for countless ages the people of India had such salvation-oriented culture and benevolent and noble Kings.
For countless ages, in this country, the responsibility for the security and safety of the country and for the welfare and progress of the people lay on the shoulders of Kings. In India, thousands of Kings ruled in the past and each King established customs and practices of ethical conduct and behaviour in accordance with his dharma. The people had to live according to those noble principles and customs. Some of these customs and practices in course of time were transmitted through countless generations. The man who did not conform to those traditions was punished and the society treated him with contempt and boycotted him.
There are many states in India, such as Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan etc. Every area has its own traditional practices and customs. It is man's social and national duty to live according to the traditions of the area to which he belongs. These traditions specially relate to food, dress, and human relations. Those who practised these traditions in the past were not harmed by men in power or by society; and they carried on their existence peacefully.
In order to live a peaceful life it is absolutely necessary that a man should live in a place or in a society which is free from disturbances and calamities. Therefore, in the past, if there were any disturbances or calamities or if the activities of the
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