lectual vision. The greater the purity in your activities; the greater the level of your dharma. The greater your conformity to the commands of the Jin in your activities, the greater the level of your dharma.
The great author of the grantha provides his readers a special guidance regarding the way to spend money. He says, "Spend according to your income". If your income is less, you must reduce your expenditure. Your expenditure should be proportionate to your income. Your expenditure should not be disproportionate to your income. This is what the Acharya Shri says; and his advice is very valuable. I feel that it is a valuable piece of advice. Do you also feel that it is good?
One from the Audience: Of course, we feel that it is an excellent piece of advice; but we generally do the reverse of it. We do not observe the principle of spending according to our income but we try to earn according to our expenditure.
Maharajashri : This is because your income is in your hands or you think that you can earn as much as you want. Can you earn as much as you need? Can you earn as much as will be necessary to meet all your expenditure?
One from the Audience: No, Maharaj! If we could earn as much as we desire to earn then there would be no poverty in this world.
Then which principle do you accept? Is it the principle of "Income according to expenditure ?" or "Expenditure according to income?" Which principle do you accept? Income is not in your hands; but expenditure is in your hands. Your income depends on your good fortune. Your expenditure depends on yourself. That means you can spend more or less. That is in your hands. You can endeavour to reduce your expenditure.
Those who do not believe that income depends on good fortune i.e. on the emergencee of punya (merit) and the anni
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