* धर्मबिन्दु-सूत्राणि ® * Sutras (aphorisms) from the Dharmabindu. *
* अरिषड्वर्गत्यागेनाविरुद्धार्थप्रतिपत्त्या इन्द्रियजयः ॥ ५ ॥
The victory over the senses is attained by discarding the six inner enemies and by the acceptance of the right meaning
that does not contradict the Dharma. * तथा उपप्लतस्थानत्यागः ॥६॥ * The discarding of a place where calamities are imminent, or
a place threatened by calamities. * स्वयोग्यस्याश्रयणम् ॥७॥
Seeking the refuge of the worthy and the capable. * प्रधानसाधु-परिग्रहः ॥ ८॥ * Accepting noble men (treating them with respect). * तथा स्थाने गृहकरणम् ॥ ९ ॥ * Building a dwelling house at a proper place. * अतिप्रकटातिगुप्तस्थानमनुचितप्रातिवेश्यं च ॥
Avoiding very prominent, very secret or obscure places for
residence and avoiding improper neighbourhood. * लक्षणोपेतगृहवासः निमित्तपरीक्षेति ।
तथानेकनिर्गमादिवर्जनम् । * Dwelling in a house which has auspicious features. Examining
the omens. A house should not have too many doors or outlets. तथा विभवाद्यनुरुपो वेषो विरुद्धत्यागेन ॥ १० ॥ Wearing dress and decorations according to one's wealth etc.
and avoiding incongruities. * तथा आयोचितव्ययः ॥ ११ ॥ * Expenditure according to income. * तथा प्रसिद्धदेशाचारपालनम् ॥ १२ ॥
Acting according to established and well-known conventions
of the country. * तथा गहितेषु गाढमप्रवृत्तिः ॥ १३ ॥ * Not engaging in condemnable actions.
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