This is the meaning of deeming anger a friend, “If we do not get angry with them, our children will not care for our words and our wives also do not care for our words. So, we have to get angry with them.”
"If we do not get angry with our debtors, they will not repay our money. If we use a few words of abuse and if our eyes grow red with anger, we get back our money."
“If we do not get angry with our children they will be spoilt. They will not study well. They will not be within our control. Therefore, we have to get angry with our children.”
When such notions and beliefs arise in your minds, you deem anger your friend. As this friendship grows, your anger also grows intenser and then begins a series of calamities. Anger will not be within man's control. Man will be under the control of anger.
This is a very important point. Anger will be in your control as long as it does not harm you. You can also make anger beneficial to you, just as, as long as a snake is under the control of the snake-charmer, he can earn money by exhibiting it. But if the snake-charmer falls under the power of the snake, he may die because it will bite him. In the same manner, if anger is powerful over men, they have to experience calamities through countless lives.
The Tirthankars have permitted Sadhus to get angry in some special circumstances. But this sanction is accorded to those Sadhus who deem anger an enemy and who can keep it under control. You must get benefits from anger, by keeping it under your control. Use anger only as a means to attain some end.
In the same manner, you who are householders should not allow anger to control you. Anger should be under your control. Anger should not make you dance. You should make anger dance to your tunes. That means, you have to be cautious even while
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