The words of their father penetrated their hearts. All the ninety eight sons liked the advice given by their father. All the ninety eight brothers, on that occasion surrendered themselves at the feet of Bhagwan Rishabhdev. They began to fight against their inner enemies. The battle-field was mendicancy. That means, they became mendicants. It is easier to conquer the inner enemies as mendicants. They conquered their anger. Now, they had no feeling of hostility in their hearts against Bharat. They had no enmity against any jiva.
Yesterday, I was telling you that you should conquer lust. If you want to conquer lust, you must be cautious about three things. First of all, you must be aware of the duty of seeing the right things. You must be cautious in your activity of seeing. Do not see anything that provokes your sexual passions. You should never see cinemas. You should discard the amusement of seeing movies. The cinema brings about countless aberrations in you.
Secondly, you must be cautious regarding what you hear. Do not hear such words or songs or conversations as will provoke your sexual passion, and as will bring about distortions in your mental propensities. Mostly on the radio, cinema songs are relayed. Do not hear them. In the same manner, your friends may be talking of base and despicable things. Do not hear their conversations. The conversations among youngsters are generally sexy. Do not hear them. If you want to conquer your Kama or passion, you must put an end to hearing these things. Are you ready for this?
Thirdly, you must be cautious about what you read. Do not read such newspapers, magazines and books as will provoke your sexual passions. Now-a-days, this kind of literature is being published plentifully. People read such literature. If you want to conquer your sexual passion, never read such literature.
In addition to these three, some other cautions also are necessary. You must be careful and cautious in your habits of eating and drinking. For the sake of fashion and pleasure, nowa-days, even some members of our society have begun eating
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