is absolutely false”. The suspicion in the king's mind dis
If Anupama devi had not said those words, glorifying the king, the king's suspicion would not have been removed. Anu. pama devi inspired Vastupal and Tejpal to immortalise themselves in Mount Abu-delwada. She inspired Vastupal and Tej. pal to construct a Jain temple in Abu-delwada. A woman must become the very embodiment of a noble inspiration.
If the mistress of the house is a woman of noble character, of exalted virtues, if she has such qualities as intelligence, prudence and patience, she can save her family from any calamity. We can read about Queen Simhika, the wife of king Nagush, in the history of Sri Rama's ancestors in the Ramayana. When the king Nagush had set off with the purpose of invading the southern kingdoms, the kings of the North taking advantage of his absence besieged the city of Ayodhya. Queen Simhika with a tremendous courage took out her armies; fought against those kings and routed them. Thus, she saved the city of Ayodhya from being captured.
After having dwelt upon this ideal to be realised by marriage, the commentator proceeds to describe the importance of woman in a family. He describes the duties of a woman in a family. He describes the grandeur of personality that makes a woman an ideal wife. If women develop their personalities in this manner, they will be blessed in their lives and they can provide a lofty inspiration to the members of their families to undertake and carry out spiritual activities and austerities. Woman should become the fountain-head of noble inspiration.
We shall next consider in some detail, how a man should conduct himself towards his wife; how he should take care of her and how he should be loyal to her etc.
This is enough for to-day.
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