How can an
Presently, people are talking of vegetarian eggs. egg be a vegetarian egg? Do eggs grow like vegetables on land? Eggs do not become vegetarian food if people get them artificially by causing trouble to hens; and just because of the label, "Vegetarian eggs". It may be that chickens cannot be hatched. out of those eggs but just because of that those eggs do not become vegetarian food.
See this fun! Those who propagate the idea that milk is non-vegetarian food also advertise that eggs are vegetarian food. Milk is obtained from the bodies of cows and buffaloes and so it is non-vegetarian according to them! And from where do we get eggs? Do they grow on land? Do they grow on trees? The eggs that are obtained from the bodies of hens are called vegetarian and the milk that is obtained from the bodies of cows and buffaloes is non-vegetarian food. What a funny thing! Is it not an exhibition of intelligence? Is it not a snare spread by the propagandists for non-vegetarianism? There are no living things in milk, yet they say that it is non-vegetarian and advise people to give it up. The egg has life in it. Yet they deem it a lifeless thing and advise people to use it. This is nothing but a deceptive device to misguide people. This is nothing but a well-planned deception to make people lose their proper way.
Now-a-days, when parents arrange the marriages of their daughters, they have to be careful and find out whether the bride-groom in question is not a drinker and whether he does not eat meat. You cannot get correct information from the parents of the bride-groom because they may not know it but you can get correct information from the bride-groom's friends. Let us suppose that you cannot choose the bride-groom and that the girl herself chooses him. In such a case, you must tell the girl seriously, "You must decide to marry him only after thinking well. We should find out indirectly, whether he does not eat meat and whether he does not drink wine. You should not marry if we find that he drinks wine and eats meat. If you
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