Candravamsa, ruling at Kausāmbi, the capital of Vatsa-deśa. The third daughter, Suprabhā, was given in marriage to Dasaratha, king of Hema-kakşa, the capital of Daśārņa (Distt. Vidiśā, M.P.). The fourth daughter, Prabhāvatī, became the queen of Udayana, who ruled at Rorukā, the capital of Kaccha. She became famous as Silavati on account of her outstanding character (sila-vrata). Jyesthā was the fifth daughter of king Cetaka; and Sātyaki, king of Mahīpura, the capital of Gandharva-deśa asked for her hand in wedding. But king Cetaka did not approve of this marital relation for some reason or the other. Sātyaki felt offended; and, getting enraged, he attacked the kingdom of Cetaka; but being defeated in the battle, he felt ashamed and accepted renunciation (muni-dikṣā) at the hands of the saint Dāma-vara. Śreņika, the king of Magadha, was highly enamoured of Jyeșthā and Celanā (the sixth daughter of Cetaka) on seeing their portraits. He requested king Cețaka for their hands in marrige. As Sreņika was much advanced in age at that time, king Cetaka did not accept his proposal. Thereby king Sreņika was awefully pained. His minister discussed this matter with Abhaya-kumāra, the heir apperent. Abhaya-kumāra put on the dress of a merchant and got himself admitted into the palace of Vaiśālī and showed the portrait of Sreņika to both the princesses and got them interested in and enamoured of Sreņika. He tried to lead them both through an underground passage. Celanā sent Jyeșthā back to her apartment with the pretence of fetching her ornaments but herself followed Abhaya-kumāra to Rājagrha; and she was married to king Sreņika. When Jyeșthā realized that her sister treacherously left her behind, she became very much detached (to the world) and turned herself into a Jaina nun under an āryikā. The seventh daughter of Cetaka was Candanā by name. While she was sporting with her companions in a park, a Vidyādhara, Manovega by name, saw her and fell in love
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