There is available another strong evidence which links Mahāvīra with Vaisāli. In more than one place Mahāvīra is called Vesāliya (Vaiśālika) in the Ardha-Māgadhi canon (Sūtra-krțāniga 1.2; Uttar-ādhyayana 6; etc.). Some of the commentators have explained variously the term Vaiśālika, one of great personality, the son of Viśālā; but that is hardly satisfactory. The obvious interpretation of Vaiśālika is that he was a citizen of Vaiśālī. The canon refers in many places to the śrāvakas of Vaisāli. The revered Rşabhadeva belonged to the Kosala country or territory, so he is called Arahā Kosaliye, i.e., the Arhat of the Kosala country (Samavāy-ārga-sūtra, 141, 162). It is concluded, therefore, that Mahāvīra was born in Vaiśālī, and Kundapura was possibly a part of this extensive capital. The next question is where was this Vaiśāli located: A satisfactory answer to it is available in the Rāmāyana of Vālmīki (1,45). Rāma and Lakşmaņa accompanied by Vasiştha-muni are proceeding to Mithilā to participate in the Bow Festival arragned by king Janaka. When they reached the bank of the Ganges, Vaśiştha narrated to them the episode of Gang-avatarana. Then they crossed the Ganges and reached its northern bank. Thence they saw the town of Viśālā (Rāmāyana, 45, 9): उत्तरं तीरमासाद्य संपूज्यर्षि-गणं तदा, गङ्गा-कूले निविष्टास्ते विशालां ददृशुः पुरीम् । and soon they reached it which was beautiful, celestial and like heaven (Ibid 1, 45, 10). ततो मुनिवरस्तूर्णं जगाम सह-राघवः, विशाला नगरी रम्यां दिव्यां स्वर्गोपमां तदा। They halted there for the night and thence, next day, they reached Mithilā, the town of Janaka: उष्य तत्र निशामेकां जग्मतुर्मिथिलां ततः। In Buddhist texts, there are many references to Vaisāli; and there too it is stated that Buddha crossed the Ganges, proceeded to the north and reached Vaiśālī. At that time Vaiśāli was ruled over by the Licchavi Sangha; and to the south of Ganges, Sreņika, the king of Magadha, and after him king Kuņika Ajātasatru had their sovereign kingdom.
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