was convened at Valabhi (modern Vala) in Gujarat; and there, under the chairmanship of Devarddhi-gani-Ksamā-śramana, eleven out of the twelve Angas were compiled, and they are available today. This compilation, however, has not been found to have preserved entirely the original form of the work. One can clearly see additions and omissions in the contents. Their language too is not the same Ardha-Māgadhi as was used in the time of Mahāvira : it displays linguistic features which developed in a period one thousand years later than him. Still, broadly speaking, the available texts testify to the antiquity of the contents and method of exposition. They bear close resemblance with the ancient Buddhist literature. Just as the Buddhist canon was Tri-pitaka, the Jaina canon is found to be described as Gani-pitaka. This branch of literature, as a whole, is called Arga-pravista to be distinguished from Anga-bāhya texts, 14 in number, which deal, in details, with the conduct and day-to-day routine of monks. Their names are : (1) Sāmāyika, (2) Caturvimsati-stava, (3) Vandanā, (4) Pratikramana, (5) Vainayika, (6) Křti-karman, (7) Dasa-vaikālika, (8) Uttar-ādhyayana, (9) Kalpavyavahāra, (10) Kalp-ākalpa, (11) Mahā-kalpa, (12) Pundarika, (13) Mahā-pundarika and (14) Nişiddhikā. Their titles themselves indicate that their contents are related with instructions about religious practics, especially the routine of duties of monks. Though these fourteen texts, in their ancient form, are not found independently, still their contents have got mixed up with other texts; and they are being used by monks even to this day. The council of monks which compiled the canon at Valabhi has, besides the first category of 11 Angas: 12 Upārgas (Aupapātika, Rāya-paseniya etc.); 6 Cheda-sūtras (Nisītha, Mahārisītha etc.); 4 Mūla-sūtras (Uttar-ādhyayana, Āvasyaka etc); 10 Prakirnakas (Catuḥsarana ātura-pratyākhyāna, etc.); and 2 Cülikāşūtras (Anuyoga-dvāra and Nandi). Thus the entire ArdhaMāgadhi canon has got 45 texts, and they have a religious sanction or authority for the Svetāmbara sect. This entire
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