this Prakrit title originally stood as Nyaya-dharma-katha. And it possibly contained nyāyas or short maxims of worldly wisdom and morality duly illustrated by tales; such a surmise of its possible contents need not be surprising.
(7) Upasak-ādhyayana: In this work were explained the vratas or vows of the upāsakas or lay followers, the householders or śravakas through the biographies of such of them as followed them. Thus, this arga can be called a supplement to the first ariga, namely, the ācārānga, which expounded the rules for monks.
(8) Antakd-daśā: According to Jaina terminology antakṛt are those monks who attain nirvana after putting an end to this samsara by practising severe penances and patiently bearing various troubles. It appears that such ten monks were described in this arga.
(9) Anuttar-aupapātika-daśā: Anuttara is a name for those higher heavens in which highly merited souls are born. From there they take only one birth as man; and then by observing the necessary religious practices they attain liberation in the same birth. In this ariga were given the biographies of such ten great monks and residents of Anuttara heavens.
(10) Praśna-vyākaraṇa: As indicated by title this arga contained questions and answers on different creeds and doctrines; and thus in a way it was a supplement of the Vyakhyāprajñapti.
(11) Vipäka-sūtra: Vipāka means the fruit of karmans. According to the karman doctrine good karmans give fruits in the form of enjoyment of pleasures and the bad ones, suffering or pains. This was explained in this anga with suitable illustrations.
(12) Dṛṣṭi-vāda This had five divisions: Parikarma, Sutra, Purva-gata, Anuyoga and Culikā. Parikarma contained calculatory science, and the Sūtra included discussions about creeds and doctrines. The Purva-gata contained fourteen subdivisions: (1) Utpāda-pūrva, (2) Agrāyaṇīya, (3) Vīry-ānuvāda, (4) Asti-nasti-pravāda, (5) Jñāna-pravāda, (6) Satya-pravāda, (7) Atma-pravāda, (8) Karma-pravāda, (9) Pratyākhyāna, (10) Vidy
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