Respected Swami Lokeshwarnandji, Other Swamijis of Ramakrishna Mission, Members of the Mahadeolal Saraogi family, ladies and gentlemen:
I am deeply indebted to the authorities of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture and Mahadeolal Saraogi Endowment for inviting me to inaugurate the Research Project on Jainism, undertaken by this Institute and sponsored by the Endowment.
The significance of this occasion is enhanced when we come to learn that Research Project on. Jainology is likely to be carried away by the R. K.Mission Institute of Culture. To some it may appear strange, but I think otherwise. In my opinion, the researches in the field of Prakrta and Jainology lead to deeper knowledge and better understanding of the Indian Culture as a whole. Our culture being a composite one, water-tight compartments among its different shades are not feasible at all. We cannot understand Indian Culture completely without understanding its different constituents, i.e., Jainism, Buddhism and Hinduism. So one thing must be clear in our mind: studies and researches in the field of indology are not possible at all in isolation. In fact Jainism, Buddhism and Hinduism are so inter-mingled and mutually influenced that to have a proper understanding of one, the understanding of other is essential.
However, two distinct trends have been prevalent in Indian Culture from its earliest days, known as Brahmanic and Sramanic. No doubt, these two trends are distinguishable
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